Hypnosis AFTER Birth for Bonding, Healing, and Breastfeeding

Support for Moms

For nearly 20 years, I have been supporting moms as they maneuver the rocky emotional terrain of early motherhood.

There is very little support for mothers after birth.

Enter hypnosis. :)

We know that it helps people stop smoking and lose weight, and that it can help with compulsive behavior and phobias. It does this by "re-writing" the way that memories are held in the brain, and by allowing the client to "remember" what is really important to them, what they really care about, rather than what is momentarily upsetting them.

When moms feel bad about birth or breastfeeding, and when their brains get stuck in feeling bad about things, simply remembering while in hypnosis that the most important thing is her connection to her baby allows her to re-set or re-boot the mother-baby bonding process.  And often, it takes only 1 - 3 sessions to accomplish.

When a Mom feels able to deeply connect with her baby, when she again feels her significance as a mother, it's such a beautiful thing, it always leaves me teary eyed and grateful.

In addition, hypnosis can help with physical healing, with sleep, and digestion, and stress. It can even help balance hormones. My clients with low supply tell me that their milk supplies become more steady, that they have to pump less, and that baby seems happier at their breast, after just 1 - 2 sessions.

If you would like some support, please contact me using the contact form in the right column of this blog.


Hilary Jacobson

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