About A Lactogenic Diet

Why is the “lactogenic diet” important?

Ask any lactation consultant and she will tell you that she sees problems today that she rarely saw in the past--moms with supply issues, both too low and too high, and babies more fussy and more prone to colic and GERD-reflux.

In many health conditions today, MDs, NDs, nutritionists and laypersons are seeing unexpected and dramatic improvements when the diet is improved.

So, too, with milk supply and the quality of a mother's milk.

Nourishment is what it is all about :) Nourishment of the mom becomes food for the baby. And the right nourishment for the mom improves both the quantity and the quality of her milk, making it more nourishing and more digestible for her baby :)

Lactation Diet Consult

I am pleased to offer individually tailored "lactation diet consults." I keep them affordable, only $30 per session, and promise to provide my full knowledge and engagement for the benefit of my client and her baby. To set up a time for a consult, use the contact form in the right hand column.

Can hypnotherapy help?

The short answer is yes, it can. By dipping into a light trance state, (one in which you feel totally comfortable and in control), you can connect with and communicate with your unconscious mind, so that you can feel better about your mothering experience, and so that your body can respond more freely to the chemistry of lactation. Often, only 1 - 3 sessions are needed!

If you would like to find out more about hypnotherapy for moms, use the contact form at the top of the right column.