Monday, August 19, 2013

The Possible Impact of Electromagnetic Fields on Low Milk Supply

Are you aware that there may be a connection between a certain kind of electromagnetic field (EMF) and low milk production?

Look at this: a study based on 12 dairy farms in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota reveals that high-tech milk pumps that emit "dirty electricity" even at minuscule levels, cause cows' milk production to decrease--so much so that farmers notice and complain.

But even sources of EMFs that are located farther from the cows can have an impact on their milk production. In this review, the "dirty electricity" given off by a cell phone tower is directed into the earth. From there, it's harmonics are carried along by underground pipes to surrounding farms, schools, etc., affecting the health, behavior and milk production of cows. Once an appropriate shielding is put in place, however, the cows' health improves and their production recovers.

It is now well-known among lactation consultants, from sharing and comparing their observations, that cases of low milk supply are on the rise. Could it be possible that some unexplained cases, including those that do not respond to herbal galactagogues, domperidone, pumping, and other interventions, might improve if the mother removes or reduces the EMFs in her home? 

Well, it's certainly worth a try. Reducing these fields can only improve the quality of her family's health.

While the influence of EMFs on the health and development of children has been much studied and documented, as you can read for instance in this article from the International Herald Tribune, its effect on women's hormones and upon our ability to produce milk is still an unknown. 

But wouldn't it be a great and wild discovery if mothers create an EMF-free or greatly reduced zone in their home where they sleep and breastfeed, and their supplies rebound? For a complete list of steps to take to reduce EMFs in the home, see

Here's a definition from the same IHT article: "Dirty electricity: is unusable electromagnetic energy that is created by many electrical devices – caused by interruptions and fluctuations in the flow of normal power traveling through wires and electrical systems and appliances at home and at work. These interruptions result in voltage spikes or surges which combine to form a complex and potentially harmful electromagnetic field."

What kinds of machines and devices create such spikes and surges? 

Well, any that have a "variable flow" component, that is, a variable frequency drive (VFD) or  variable speed drive (VSD) or controller. These components are used instead of old-fashioned mechanical motor switches, and are found in computers, laptops, iPads and similar devices, but also in newer home "smart" machines such as heaters and air-conditioners, smart meters, water pumps, solar and wind energy generators... Holy Cow, who knew?

To simplify the picture for those who, like me, don't understand much of anything about electricity, just think, "erratic interruption." Anything that interrupts the nicely fluent, rhythmically pulsating electric current that flows into our homes is a potential problem. 

Here's a big one: the common light dimmer causes a massive increase in the dirty electricity field in your home.

Do you dim the light to check in on your baby? 

Do not use light dimmers! Seriously. We used one of those devices to measure EMFs in our home and discovered that any time a light was dimmed, the EMF in that room, but also all along and within the walls in surrounding rooms and the corridor, basically, wherever electric lines were laid--would resonate with an unbelievable increase in EMF. The measurement went from barely detectable to HOT! Since that day, no lights are dimmed in our house.

We also discovered that our laptops emit powerful radiation when they are plugged in to the wall, but not when they are running on their own batteries. There is something about the back up of electric flow when the computer does its interrupting thing with its variable drive. It's not the interruption alone--it's the way it backs up and creates an erratic rhythm--the surges and spikes--in the flow of electricity along the lines leading to and from the interruptor.

(An old-fashioned am transistor radio set to static will resonate with EMFs and give you a good idea about hot spots in your home.)

Another source of fairly strong EMF in the bedroom would be any multiple outlet power boards/surge protectors. These should be turned off at night, or moved far from the bed where you sleep.

Wireless phones, cell phones and smart phones do radiate frequently, sometimes constantly, and should be turned off or placed outside of sleeping areas.  

Basically, if it is "smart" it is potentially dangerous--especially for infants and children, whose tissues, muscles, organs, nervous system and brain are developing, and who depend upon a steady and clean "environment" not only of nurturing and love, but also of invisible energy fields. But the danger is very real for all of us, regardless of age, because it is believed that damage from EMFs can occur incrementally, bit by bit. We might not notice the results, our lack of energy, our lack of focus, or insomnia, until many years pass and the damage (asthma, cancer, Alzheimer's, chronic fatigue) is beyond repair.

Reducing your exposure to "dirty electricity" may possibly be the most crucial thing you can do to improve the quality of your family's health. 

Below are two documentaries on this topic. Please take some time to review them. Gather up your partner and your children, and discuss possible lifestyle changes with the whole family.
In this first documentary, you can learn many mysterious and marvelous things about energy frequencies and their impact on health.

In this second documentary, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt talks about his decades of research with people with all kinds of illnesses and syndromes that were rare or virtually unknown 40 years ago. He is an expert in the treatment of autism, Lyme disease, and other unfortunately-no-longer-so-rare conditions. He also presents some suggestions to reduce the fields.

Please comment here and share your experiences with electromagnetic fields and your health. Thank you for reading! 

And please like my Facebook Mother Food Page, and stay in touch. More articles are in the works!


  1. Do you wear a tin foil hat?

  2. Haha. No I don't. There are paints one can use to insulate a room from emf and I've considered creating one such "resting" room but haven't done so yet.

  3. what about grounding out? Have you heard of "earthing"? I imagine if the cows are still effected and they are able to ground out by staying in contact with the soil, that grounding may not be as effective in high EMF zones. great info on the light dimmers and power strips and lap tops plugged in.... we charge everything like that in our bedroom!!!! no more! I need all the lactating help I can get... I imagine its the extreme inflammation EMFs can generate in the body when one doesn't effectively ground out on a regular basis... I am going to resituate my charging stations now, thanks!

  4. Hi, thanks for your comment. Light dimmers are the worst in my house. It was so helpful simply to know that and not use them, replacing them is even better I've heard. Good luck!
